I’m a writer, translator, and publisher. I live in Philadelphia, ancient capital of the United States of America. My work has been featured in Harper’s and Poetry Magazine, among other venues. I run a small press, Paradise Editions, which focuses on obsolete forms of popular literature. I’m the translator of Anecdotes by Heinrich von Kleist and Territories of the Soul/On Intonation by Wolfgang Hilbig. I write a newsletter, Paradise Almanac, which is a dispatch on my literary activities.

If you would like me to write for you or give a talk, I can be reached at unpaginated (at) gmail.com. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Books Translated

Territories of the Soul/On Intonation by Wolfgang Hilbig. Sublunary Editions, 2024.

Two Stories by Jean Paul (with Alexander Booth). Empyrean Editions, 2023.

Prefaces by Jean Paul (with various translators). Empyrean Editions, 2022.

Anecdotes by Heinrich von Kleist. Sublunary Editions, 2021.

Books Published

Night Fears: Weird Tales in Translation edited by Eric Williams.

The Man Without a Transit Pass by Jaroslav Hasek (Translated by Dustin Stalnaker).

Essays, Excerpts, Short Stories, and Various Writings

The Stoker” for The Poetry Foundation.

“for n.” by Wolfgang Hilbig in Firmament.

“Three Booksellers” in ergot..

“The Night-Thoughts of Obstetrician Walther Vierneissel” in Socrates on the Beach.

"Yesterday’s Yesterday’s Paper” in Hopscotch Literary.

“High on the Chalk” in Socrates on the Beach.

“Late Edition” in Harper’s Magazine.